
Showing posts from August, 2017

Star Trek Theme of the Month: Artificial Intelligence

“Centuries ago in most places on Earth, only landowners of a particular gender and race had any rights at all.  Over time, those rights were extended to all humans, and later, as we explored the galaxy, to thousands of other sentient species.  Our definition of what constitutes a person has continued to evolve.  Now we’re asking that you expand that definition once more, to include our Doctor.” - Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek Quote of the Week

“Buried deep within you, there is something that has never been nurtured: the potential to make yourself a better man.  And that is what it is to be human.  To make yourself more than you are.” - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: Nemesis

Star Trek Quote of the Week

“Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life … learning to live with them.  No matter what the circumstances. … Sometimes it takes courage to try.  Courage can be an emotion too.” - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: Generations

Star Trek Theme of the Month: Artificial Intelligence

“A single Data is a curiosity, a wonder, but a thousand Datas, doesn’t that become a new race?  And aren’t we going to be judged as a species about how we treat these creations?  If they’re expendable, disposable, aren’t we?  What is Data?” - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek Quote of the Week

“Poke your head up every once in a while.  Take a look around.  See what’s going on.  It’s life.  And you can miss it if you don’t open your eyes.” - Benjamin Sisko, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek Quote of the Week

“There are many parts of my youth that I’m not proud of.  There were loose threads, untidy parts of me that I would like to remove.  But when I pulled on one of those threads it unraveled the tapestry of my life.” - Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek Theme of the Month: Artificial Intelligence

“Consider that in the history of many worlds there have always been disposable creatures.  They do the dirty work.  They do the work that no one else wants to do, because it’s too difficult and too hazardous.  With an army of Datas, all disposable, you don’t have to think about their welfare, or you don’t think about how they feel.  Whole generations of disposable people.” - Guinan, Star Trek: The Next Generation